Block Number 222
+91 9848394031
Mr. Md Azam Mr. Md Azam, M.Tech in structural engineering, is Assistant Professor & Head Department of Civil Engineering with Overall Experience of 6 Years Teaching, Obtained his M Tech from SPR college of engineering Affiliated to JNTUH. He is an expert in different areas of concrete technology and structural engineering. He has published several research papers in the International Journals as well as Conferences. He acted as department-level committee member for NBA, NAAC, and Organization member for International conference conducted and attended in many workshop/seminar/faculty training Programs , Organized several National Level Workshops different civil engineer software.
2nd Year
2nd RANK
2nd Year
8.22 GRADE
1st RANK
2nd Year
2nd RANK
1st Topper
3rd Year
1st Topper
3rd Year
2nd Topper
3rd Year
3rd Topper
3rd Year
1st Topper
4th Year
2nd Topper
4th Year
3rd Topper
4th Year
Christu Jyothi Institute of Technology & Science
Colombonagar, Yeshwanthapur, Jangaon,
Telangana 506167 India
+ 91 9346474916